Weighing Of The Heart Of The DeceasedScene from the Temple of Der el Medineh Mortuary scene representing the weighing of the heart of the deceased. The first figure is the Goddess of Truth - Maat, and before her walks the soul of the deceased, who is about to enter the Hall of the Double Truth, in order that his heart may be weighed. He is faced by a second figure of Maat as he enters the Hall. We then see his heart weighed in the balance against the feather of Truth. The God Horus holds the plumb of the scales, and Anubis assists. Next we see Toth noting down the judgment of the scales. We then see the young Horus seated upon the crook, the symbol of dominion; and beside him there is a fearful monster. If the ordeal of the scales has been successfully passed, the soul of the deceased will be claimed by the youthful Horus, the mediator between man and his maker; but if he has failed in the trial, he will be devoured by this creature. |