Plate Number: II 60Anguis niger, maculis rubris &luteis eleganter varius: The Bead SnakeThese Snakes are usually about the Size of the Figure,some less, and some I have seen three or four Times as big. The ground Colour of them is black, deeper on the Back and fainter under the Belly: The upper Part of the Body is adorned with large Spots of a bright red Colour, between which, at regular Distances are yellow Spots. They live mostly under Ground, and are seldom seen above, but are frequently found and dug up with Potatoes, at the Time those Roots are taken out of the Ground, which is in September and October. They have nothing of a Viper, either in Form or Quality, but are very inoffensive. Convolvulus Radice tuberoso esculento: The Virginian PotatoThis excellent Root seems to merit the Preferrence of all others, not only in Regard to the Wholsomness and Delicacy of its Food; but for its more general use to Mankind than any other Root, it being one great Part, if not the principal Subsistance of the greater Part of Africa, and is likewise in great Use, both in America and in the Southern Parts of Asia. They being of so easy Culture, so quick of Growth, and of so vast an Increase, that the propagating it, seems more agreeable to the Indolence of the Barbarians, than cultivating Grains, which require a longer Time with more Labour and Uncertainty: In all our Colonies of America as well Islands, as Continent, these Roots are in great Esteem and Use. The common white People as well as the Negro Slaves subsisting much upon them, nor are they thought unworthy a Place at principal Tables. In Virginia and to the North thereof, they are Annuals, and produce no Flowers. They plant them in March, and dig them up in October, and to prevent their rotting, keep them in Holes under Ground near their Fires: In Carolina, where the Winters are more moderate, they are not necessited to keep them so warm: And in the Bahama Islands, and other Places between the Tropicks, they are perennial and produce Flowers, yet are annually planted. The most Kinds, and best Potatoes, that I observed, were in Virginia, and because the Names, they are called by in different Colonies, are so various, I shall call them by those Names only by which they are known there. I have observed only five Kinds of Potatoes specifically different from one another, the Common, the Bermudas, the Brimstone, the Carrot, and the Claret Potatoes. The Common Potato is of a muddy red Colour on the outside, but being cut appears white with a reddish Cast, they commonly weigh from half a Pound, to four, five or six Pounds, usually are long, irregularly shaped and pointed at both Ends; this, is an excellent Kind, and is most planted. The Bermudas Potato is larger and rounder than the Common, very white within, and covered with a white Skin, this is a tender find, requiring more Warmth in keeping, and a different Culture from the rest, this is the most delicate Sort, but not so much planted as the Common Potato, because of its not keeping so well. This Potato only produces a white Flower, the Flowers of the other Kinds being purple. The Brimstone Potato grows to a large Size, and is shaped like the Common, the Colour of it both given its Name, and in Goodness it is esteemed next to the Common. The Carrot Potato is named so, from its Colour both without and within, being like that of a Carrot, these grow to a very large Size, and are of great Increase, tho' of little Esteem, being the most insipid. The Claret Potato seems to be propagated more as a Curiosity than for any peculiar Excellence it hath. The Colour of it without and within is that of Claret. |