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Plate Number: II 97

Acacia foliis amplioribus; siliquis cincinnatis

Acacia foliis amplioribus Plate Number: II 97

In the Bahama Islands these Trees grow to about fifteen Inches in Thickness, and thirty or more Feet in Height; with a rough brown Bark: The Leaves are like those of the Phillirea, growing by Pairs. The Flowers are globular, composed of numerous scarlet Filaments, produced from small green Capsula's; many of the Flowers grow together on long Footstalks, at the Ends of slender Branches, making an elegant Appearance. The Flowers are succeeded by Pods, of a reddish brown Colour, containing many flatish round shining black Seeds, which when ripe are discharged from out of the Pods, but hang thereto by a scarlet mucilaginous, spongy Substance, which incloses a third Part of every Seed: The Pods grow three or four together, in a wreathed or spiral Manner, which Nature seems to have designed for displaying its Beauties to Advantage; for had the Pods been streight, as those of French Beans, these glittering Seeds would have been much obscured. The Seeds are Food of Wild Pigeons, &c.

Papilio diurna, prima, omnium maxima

The Body of this Fly is yellow and black, the Eyes spherical, it is eight Inches from the Extremity of one upper Wing to the other, which are pointed, as are likewise the Bottom of the under Wings: The Edges of the four Wings are indented, except the upper Margin of each Pair: The Area or Ground of the four Wings is of a Brimstone Colour: The anterior Margins of the upper Wings are verged with Black, having several Strips or Lifts running transversly cross the Wings, from which run many black Lines; the under Part of all four Wings are deeply verged with black, and spotted with yellow Crescents; the Verges of the lower Wings having also some round blue Spots.

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