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Plate Number: II 12

Turdus Oculo radiato: The Pudding-Wife

Pudding-Wife Plate Number: II 12

These Fish are sometimes 16 Inches long, tho' generally of a smaller Size; the Eye red, from the Circumferance of which are spread seven blue Rays; At the End of each Mandible are three large Teeth with the ordinary Rows of smaller Teeth; the upper Mandible is loose and can be contracted upon Occasion under the adjoyning bony-part of the Head, in like Manner as in the Hogfish. The Body of the Fish was covered with large Scales of a brownish Olive Colour, having the Edge of every Scale blue; the Gills are also marked with five or six irregular Lines of blue, almost the whole Length. On the Back was extended a long yellow Finn, bordered with a blue indented Line; To the hind part of the Belly was fixed another suchlike yellow Finn bordered also with a blue indented Line, and another small yellow Finn under the Abdomen verged in the forepart with blue; besides two behind the Gills of a dirty Colour: From one of these Fins extends obliquely round the Belly to the other a broad Lift with four Lines of blue and yellow alternately. The Tail spreads widest at the End, half next the Body of a dusky dark Colour; the End of a reddish yellow:

Alburnus Americanus: The Carolina Whiting

This Figure shews the general Size of these Fish: The Iris of the Eye yellow; the whole Fish of a light brown Colour; the belly lightest, the Gills having a faint Tincture of red; the Mouth wide, with very small Teeth; the upper Jaw reaches beyond the lower, the under Lip having five or six fleshy Barbles, resembling Teeth hanging to on the out Side. It had one small Finn on the Middle of the Back; two behind the Gills, one under the Abdomen, and another behind the Anus; the Tail unequally notched, the lower-part extending beyond the upper. The Market at Charleston in Carolina is plentifully supplyed with these Fish, and are accounted tolerable good Meat.

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